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Pearl Seven

Coincidence or Not?

Have you ever seen the movie, Seven days in Utopia? Well, at the end you are sent to a website to find out the ending of the movie. Needless to say, after reading the story about Simon and catching the boat load of fish after Jesus told him to go to deeper water and throw his nets in, really hit me to the core. I have heard this story many times, but it was put to me exactly the way I needed to receive it this time. Was it a coincidence that I was watching this movie and going to that website on the exact day I had been struggling for answers? Or was it part of the purpose that it was intended for?
I would say so! God orchestrates it to work when the timing is right.
In this movie, golf was the subject that was used to offer life lessons and how we need to seek His face, feel His presence and trust His journey (SFT). It was about doing something that may be perceived as unconventional, possibly unacceptable in the golfing world, but because he stepped out of his comfort zone and trusted his heart he ultimately achieve the reward. Aren’t we the most beautiful when we are being our authentic self? Doesn’t the most amazing things happen when we take the road less traveled? When we are our authentic selves we actually start living whether than existing. Beauty comes alive in you when you are your true self.

As I was writing this blog my Bible App notification delivered this verse to me. It is very fitting!

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:11

This blog post is my unconventional, possibly unacceptable post. It really has nothing to do with makeup. I was advised it probably wouldn’t bring people to my site because it of the Search Engine Optimization. But I decided, God is my SEO and bigger than the world wide web.

You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you. Song of Songs 4:7